Friday, April 1, 2011

My bro's SPM


My younger bro just got his SPM result. My dad texted me:

"result hazim 3A+, 2A, 3A-, 2B+, 1C+, yg b dan c tu semua subject sains, habis lah harapan nak buat medic. nampknya blh jd tok imam je lah"

(well, to be honest i am glad if he doesnt take the medic path. i dont want him to end up like me. heh heh..)

few days later, in his FB status my bro wrote:

"fuh~smngat blik lpas kne baSoh ngan ayah ak..dia kata:hidup nie naik turun cm main b0la..kdg2 menang..kdg2 klah..kdang2 injured..renung2kan.."

this is a story of nasihat yg berhikmah seorg ayah kpd anaknye yg gile bola

I miss my Dad
I miss the moments we watched football together, usually in midnight
He can shout, cheer, condemn and complaint tru the 90 mins of dramatic game
I glad he has something he can express his emotions, and not be shamed to do so even in front of us
He is keenly observant
He talk a lot about football tactics and moves, and i learnt a lot from him (well, theoretically...)

Its really hurt when i see he tore his ACL in a match. He undergone a surgery and spent one gloomy year without football.

This is one of the things in played my mind when i decided to become an orthopedic.

sometimes remembering the reasons why you are here can be motivating...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied

We bought and bought
We couldn't stop buying
We gave charity to the poor 'cause
We couldn't stand their crying
We thought we paid our dues
But in fact
To ourselves we're just lying

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we'd bought
We went to London, Paris and Costa Del Sol
We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops
Yes we felt so very satisfied

We felt our money gave us infinite power

We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn't have any time to lose
When we were.. (were)
So busy feeling so satisfied

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness
We bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars
And bling will make us feel satisfied

My dear brother and sister
It's time to change inside
Open your eyes
Don't throw away what's right aside
Before the day comes
When there's nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself 'cause Allah's watching you

Is He satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?

Oh..I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hepi besday Tom!!

Heppi [belated] besday to my beloved fren, mr Amirul Hussaini aka Tom

u r my definition of bestfriend..

I'll pray for success in whutever u r doing, in this Dunya and the Hereafter..
May God bless ya..

We're never too far away..
Bray 2008

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sharing 4 - Italian sunset


Nak share skit..

Sunset view captured during the journey from Verona to Turin, Italy. Mase ni tgh winter break, kalo summer sunset view die lagi lawa..

edit2 sket:

59:21. Sekiranya Kami menurunkan al-Qur’an ini kepada sebuah gunung, pasti kamu akan melihatnya tunduk, terpecah-pecah disebabkan takut kepada Allah. Dan persamaan-persamaan itu Kami membuatkan untuk manusia supaya mereka berfikir.

59:22. Dialah Allah; tidak ada tuhan melainkan Dia. Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata; Dia Yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang.

59:23. Dialah Allah; tidak ada tuhan melainkan Dia. Dia Maharaja Yang Mahasuci, Yang Sejahtera (Assalam), Pemelihara Keselamatan, Yang Mengawal, Yang Perkasa, Yang Mempunyai Kuasa, Yang Memiliki Segala Kebesaran. Maha Suci Allah dari segala apa yang mereka sekutukan

59:24. Dia Allah, Yang Pencipta, Yang Mengadakan, Yang Pembentuk. Bagi-Nya nama-nama yang paling baik. Segala yang di langit dan bumi menyanjung-Nya; Dia Yang Perkasa, Yang Bijaksana

Wallahu a'lam..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sharing 3 – Mr. Nathan dan Kisah Sekeping RM10


Kat sini aku nk berkongsi sikit pengalaman.. Pengalaman yg dah 5 thn berlalu, dah bersawang2 sbb xpenah refresh. So aku abadikan kat sini spy pengalaman berharga ni xhilang camtu sj, n supaya dapat disharekan dgn dgn sahabat2 yg bc, semoga kt sama2 mndapat manfaat, insyaAllah..

Ok, stop ayat skema.. 5 thn dulu, early 2005 aku adalah lepasan SPM yg tgh tunggu result. Pd aku tu adalah satu period yg critical, transitional time diri aku sniri sbg lepasan budak skola nak menjenguk2 ke alam dewasa. Antara xtvt yg aku wat time tu ialah – cari temporary job. Aku carik keje yg bukan sj bg aku duit, tp bg jg pengalaman n ilmu2 berharga yg aku xbole belaja dlm classroom. Ilmu2 n pengalaman baru yg aku x jumpe sepanjang tempoh 11 thn bergelar budak skolah..

Pendek crite, aku end up keje jd salesman.. Yup, keje yg hr2 pkai smart pg tgh2 bandar jumpe segala jenis manusia, dok promote2 barang yg dibwk time tu.. Mcm2 crite penat lelah suka duka aku dah rasa sepanjang 2 bulan jd salesman professional (huhu). InsyaAllah aku akan crite di lain masa. Sekarang aku nk crite pasal bos aku, Mr. Kamalanathan Naruppiah aka name glamor die Mr. Nathan.

Mr Nathan ni sorg successful young indian businessman, umo baru dlm 25-35 thn tp da ada company sniri with income RM 5digits monthly. Very smart and charismatic. Bawak kete mewah, siap ade framed gamba cover magazine tgh duk atas die punye Harley Davidson RoadKing 1450cc tergantung kat office die. Yg best nyer, he started everything from O. 10 years ago (that time, which is 15yrs ago fr now) he joined the company as a salesman jugak, buat keje yg sama mcm ktorg wat hari2. Slowly die develop business skills, collect downline sampai cukup stabil nk bukak branch baru kat tgh2 KL, tmpt aku keje time tu. Xtau la camne die boleh tahan 10thn keje salesman. Aku rasa 2 bulan pun da leteyh mental fizikal, tp dia atas istiqamah dan thiqah die pd carrier die, skrg dah membuah hasil. Tabik spring..

Sbg successful living example, Mr. Nathan slalu bg ayat2 utk inspire kami para salesman. Tiap2 pg before keluar meniaga akan ade slot2 utk train communication skills dan motivational talks. Ptg plak before balik ade post-mortem. So hari2 spirit sbg seorg salesman akan di-recharge. Ni penting sbb ingat senang ke lepas 1 hari keje letih2 bjalan xhenti2, dok promote barang smpai kering2 tekak pastu ngan kene marah, kene halau, kene kutuk, kene pandang slack pe sume..

Antara motivational talk Mr. Nathan yg member kesan kat aku ialah kisah RM10. Hari tu dia kumpulkan kami para “salesman-salesman muda” (dlm company tu ade yg da 2-3 thn experience, ade yg saje nk try2 je cam aku) masuk dlm office die. Die tanya, “sapa ade cash RM10, pinjam jap”. Salah sorg drp kami keluar kan la note RM10. Mr. Nathan amek note tu, buat lap2 hidung, pastu die letak note yg da remuk tu atas meja die n die tanya, “brapa nilai duit ni?”. “10inggit” ktorg jawab. Pastu dia amik, buat gosok2 kat ketiak die dengan gaya yg menggelikan. Sekali lg dia tanya brapa nilai duit ni. “10inggit” ade yg jawab.. Mr. Nathan sambung, “kalo duit ni kita pam kat jamban, pastu org kat loji jumpa and die basuh2 duit tu, berapa nilai duit tu pd ms tu?”. Opcos la still RM10 kan..

So kesimpulannye, despite segala mehnah yg dilalui note RM10 tu, dia tetap mengekalkan nilai dirinye sbg sehelai RM10. Xde la lepas da pam dlm jamban, nilai die downgrade tinggal RM9.50 je.. Jd ibrah nye, kt kene la mempertahankan nilai kt sbg seorg salesman walaupun da kene 1001 dugaan sepanjang sehari bekerja (tu ayat aku goreng sniri, tp mesej Mr. Nathan lbih krg cmtu la). Aku terdiam.. Berfikir, menganalisis, mentafsir dan menyimpan dlm hati..

Now kt tgk dlm skop yg lebih luas..

Sbenarnye mesej Mr. Nathan td, selari dgn hadis nabi 1400 thn dulu yg femes dgn nama ‘hadis logam’.

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه: قَالَ رَسُوْلَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
(( الناس معادن، خيارهم في الجاهلية خيارهم في الإسلام، إذا فقهوا )). صحيح البخاري

“Manusia itu logam. Barangsiapa yang terpilih semasa jahiliyyah, dia juga akan terpilih semasa Islam, sekiranya dia faham.”

Kenapa logam? Ape yg bestnyer logam? Ape nilai logam?? Nak tau lebih lanjut, kene la dengar ISK…

Bole visit blog sis nih:-
(tuan punye blog, izinkan sy meng-link-kan blog anda..)

Wallahu a’lam..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sharing 2 - Batu ajaib

bile tgh banyak sgt keje nak wat tp sume pun di lengahkan.. maka aku pun edit la gamba lama.. gamba last yr mase summer break

shot kat air terjun sungai pisang, gombak tepi hiway karak dkat2 ngan uia. time ni tgh smangat2 amek gamba sbb baru bli dslr, so aku pegi sorg2 naik moto (ade shortcut msuk smpai tmpt air terjun, tp kene layan motocross dulu sbb msuk dlm hutan). nk jd cerita nye time tu baru pas hujan, pastu ada 1 balak da jatuh block laluan.. ahh sudah, cemana aku nak angkat moto nih.. parang plak xbawak, kalo x bole alihkan balak tuh. las2 dengan cuak nye aku tinggal moto kat dlm hutan tu, sambung pjalanan jln kaki. rasa sgt2 xsedap hati gak tinggal moto dlm hutan, mane tau ade mat pit sapu kang habihh..

aku pun cpat2 jalan smpai port air terjun tu takut hari gelap.. baru tersedar, cmne bole lupa bawak torchlight ngan parang pe sume.. maybe da excited sgt nak menembak smpai lupa brg2 asas msuk utan. dahla jalan sorg2 kan. even aku da byk kali pg air terjun tu tp time tu rase cam cuak sgt.. dahla kuar xbgtau mak.. papehal jd kang susa plak..

sampai2 je port air terjun tu aku nampak ade batu stand atas batu (cam dlm gamba). aku pun tros la snap. cam tkezut gak, cmne batu tu bole balance camtu.. dahtu bole stay cmtu smpai berjam2. actually few times da aku dtg port2 air terjun ni jumpe batu camni.. msti org b4 aku yg wat, tp cmne die leh wat smpai stay cmtu.. sape yg tau teorinye tlg share pliss..

tu je la aku nk share.. las2 aku sempat kuar before gelap wpun time tu da rabun2 ayam.. lesson learned - be prepared in every conditions.

other shots:

spot the 2 stones? 1 yg kat depan tu satu lagi kat belakang atas batu besar


Friday, February 19, 2010

Good nite..

Good night, world...


In your name, Oh Lord, I lay to sleep
To rise in the morning by your leave.
If you take my soul from me as I wake, please forgive me.
And if I wake in the morning again
to a new and bright day,
then I pray you will always guide me
upon the straight way.

La ilaha il Allah, La illaha il Allah.
Subhanallah a-Alhamdulillah
Allahu Akbar.
La ilaha il Allah, La illaha il Allah.
Subhanallah a-Alhamdulillah
Allahu Akbar.

See you again tomorrow morning, insyaAllah..
Goodbye yesterday..